Privacy Policy

When visiting the website, you are obliged to read our Privacy Policy.

Customer who voluntarily provides personal data to automatically authorizes to use the data for storing and processing purposes. The goal of is to protect the customers’ personal data.


Using the website is considered as the user’s consent to the Privacy Policy. Thus the user grants the right to process, store and use the personal information provided by him/her.

The mentioned information will be used by for the purpose of providing the service, taking into account the applicable law.

Information Collection and Use

When using the services of, the user is obliged to provide certain personally identifiable information, including name, surname, telephone number, postal address. The information that collects will be used for the following purposes:

Improvement of the service quality;
Effective communication with customers;
Monitoring user’s activities on the website;
Testing innovations and introducing new products;
Defining the user groups to offer new products and services;
Implementation of marketing and other kind of activities;
Providing information on purchases made by the user;
Obtaining information from an authorized third party about payments made by user;
Other legitimate purpose granted to by the Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection..

Log Data and Cookies uses the standard procedure of log files. Like other websites, uses Cookies. Log files and Cookies are used to store information about user behaviour and to improve the service quality. Following data is generated and collected through log files and Cookies: customer’s (“IP”) address, browser version, pages of our website that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, and other statistics.

This information does not identify any specific user and represents analytical data, for improving the quality of service on The customer has the option to either accept or refuse cookies, and know when a cookie is being sent to his/her computer. If the customer chooses to refuse cookies, they may not be able to use some portions of the website.

Third Party Service Providers

We may employ third-party companies and individuals due to the following reasons:

  • To perform website-related services; 
  • To assist us in analyzing website statistics and analytics;
  • Delivery services, delivery of parcels to the customer.

We want to inform our website users that these third parties have access to your Personal Information. The reason is to perform the tasks assigned to them on our behalf. However, they are obligated not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose. is authorized to share personal information with any third party in the cases provided for by the current legislation of Georgia.


It is important for to protect the personal data provided by the user. The user’s profile is accessible only through the user name and password generated by him/her. recommends not to share this information to third parties. Otherwise disclaims any responsibility. applies all measures to protect the user’s personal data, however, no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure, thus takes no responsibility for guaranteeing its absolute security.

Links to Other Sites disclaims all responsibility regarding other websites that may be displayed as an external link on the website. The Privacy Policy of other websites may differ from this Policy. asks its users to read the Terms and Conditions as well as Privacy Policy of the website displayed as an external link.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, we advise you to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately, once posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us:

  • By email: